About Us
Have you ever thought of being in the race as a marathoner? Do you love everything about long-distance runners?
If yes, then this is a blog for you. Whatever country you stay, you will like and appreciate our insights on matters about distance running.
We give you tips, tricks, dos and don’ts in this field to a point you feel you are a marathoner.
As a spectator, we have something for you; our commentaries page is for you. What do you want to know about the marathon?
Talk to us, and we will keep you informed of everything to do with this sport.
Hope runs is a non-profit making organization geared towards marathon training and the benefits of marathoners.
In our informative articles, you get to understand the details of becoming a world-class marathoner.
We interview the World record-holders to get practical views on what it takes to become one.
Moreover, we move a step higher and talk the people behind the marathoners, the manager, physiotherapists, exercise trainers and the Olympics officials to have a professional view of the sport.
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+1(956) 7149 698
4906, Heritage Road
Pixley, CA